Wednesday, November 28, 2012

(23) New Mexico

Capitol: Santa Fe

I have been pondering what to bead for New Mexico for awhile. I have spent a few weekends in Santa Fe and loved it. We visited a few pueblos, and a really neat little old church. I have also attended a few bead shows there. On another trip we visited Carlsbad Caverns, and naturally drove through Roswell. All these things gave me great ideas for this pin. It was probably going to involve a pueblo-type building, possibly with some alien eyes in the window, or a space ship in the sky.

Then Ruby came along.

Ruby is our new puppy. It took me several years to talk my husband into letting me get a second dog. I wanted a 2-4 year old terrier mix. The day after he agreed to another dog, he suggested we go to the Boulder Humane Society (BHS) and look. There he was, the perfect little terrier mix. Next to him was Ruby, a 4 month old puppy. Bill fell in love. The terrier went to another family.

We adopted Ruby the next morning. She is a purebred cattle-dog-Chinese-shar-pei-whoe-knows-what-else. Every so often BHS goes to a reservation in New Mexico and picks up a bunch of litters of puppies. So, now New Mexico has a whole new meaning to me.

My daughter, Emily, drew me a cute little picture of Ruby. Once I beaded Ruby (note the cute pink collar), I was stuck. I decided to research Native American beadwork in NM. Instead I discovered pottery from the Acoma Pueblo. I decided to bead the background in a pattern from a piece of the beautiful pottery I found.

I am really happy with this piece. I think it is my new favorite.

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