Capitol: Columbia
Coming up with an idea for South Carolina was a real struggle, which explains it's position in the pin project. I have been to and through SC, but couldn't think of anything special. I did find some information on basket making being a traditional South Carolina art form that has been passed on from generation to generation. Not a bad idea. But then I discovered "Messie".
Every now and then, Irmo, SC, has a sighting of some kind of water monster that inhabits Lake Murray. The monster [Messie] first 'surfaced' in 1933 when residents of Irmo and Ballentine (the famous Gilbert Little sighting) saw a cousin of the Loch Ness Monster. (A cousin of the Loch Ness Monster!!! Top that!). Sightings have continued almost every year since then.
It was described in The Independent News in 1980 as "a cross between a snake and something prehistoric." Many folks around Lake Murray claimed to have seen it and, to make matters worse, the Lake Murray Monster was said to be very aggressive. Bingo!
So, I give to you "Messie", beaded as a grainy, black and white photograph.
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