Thursday, May 3, 2012

(12) California

Capitol: Sacramento

OK, California started out as a hard one. First, it's a big one (still worrying about Texas!). An obvious idea is Hollywood, but I've already done tacky (see Nevada). Many people suggested San Francisco area sights, such as the Golden Gate Bridge, Sausalito, Muir Woods, Monterey Bay, Cannery Row, etc. Trouble is, this project is not a highlight of tourist sights in each state (maybe some states, but not every state). None of the suggestions were inspiring.

Once again I had to turn to my view of the place. I have lived in California twice, in the LA area, and the San Jose area. I have friends and family that live in CA.

I have also visited many times. There is so much to see and do there. Turns out, after all the time I've spent there, my favorite thing to do in CA is to look for cool sea life in tide pools. Coincidentally, I also have a necklace/bracelet set I made that reminds me of tide pools. I have been dying to do some crazy bead embroidery (especially after attending the RMBS Bead Show last weekend that was so inspiring). Also, with global warming, there will probably be lots more tide pools for me to enjoy in coming years!

Sooooo, I present my California pin, a tide pool. For serious bead geeks, here are a few close ups.

1 comment:

KReese said...

The tide pools in CA are my favorite too!